
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

17 New Novels handed in for the Novel Competition

17 New Novels handed in for the Novel Competition

Last year, the second Novel Competition was issued by the Faroese Bookshop Association in cooperation with publisher Sprotin. The criteria for the competion was to write a novel in Faroese of at least 150 pages which has not been published previously. On 1 September when the dead-line for handing in the novels had passed, a total number of 17 novels were handed in for the competition, of whom 12 are by female writers. The winner will be revealed at the annual Book Festival at the Nordic House on 24 November, and the price money is DKK 100,000 and a publishing deal with Sprotin. 

Winner of the first competition in 2015 was the novel "Óendaliga vera" by Marjun Syderbø Kjelnæs.

New children's book: "Miljuløtur"

New children's book: "Miljuløtur"

New Nomination for "Træið"

New Nomination for "Træið"