
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

Debut Poetry Collection

Debut Poetry Collection

"Setorð" is a debut poetry collection by Arnbjørn Ó. Dalsgarð. Arnbjørn is an author, librarian and holds a MA in Applied Philosophy. He has written short stories, tales and poems for both adults and children. His first short-stories collection, "So hon starir inn í veggin", was published in 2015. The debut poetry collection clearly shows that Arnbjørn has a style of his own. He writes in a meditative and sometimes absurd style and is yet able to include highly relevant topics about life, i.e. standstills, growth and how we tend to get caught in our own shadows. "Setorð" is published by Sprotin, and a second collection is already in the pipeline.

Debut YA Novel

Debut YA Novel

New in Sami Language

New in Sami Language