
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New Poetry Collection

New Poetry Collection

Ein farri av fráferd
Ein farri av fráferd

Last year’s nominee of the Nordic Council Literature Prize, Sólrún Michelsen has released a new poetry collection “Ein farri av fráferð” (A Hint of Departure). The title gives a hint of something unnerving, sinister, and unfamiliar and at the same time there is a trace of something familiar, safe, a sense of longing. In1994 Sólrún published her first book “Argjafrensar” for children and has since published a vast number of short stories, children’s books and two novels of which “Tema við slankum” has been translated into Danish and German and the most recent one “Hinumegin er mars” was nominated the Nordic Council Literature Prize in 2015. “Ein farri av fráferð” is Sólrún’s sixth poetry collection and is published by Sprotin.

Prosperity ahead

Prosperity ahead

Foreign Rights Catalogue 2016

Foreign Rights Catalogue 2016