
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New Children's Books in Polish

New Children's Books in Polish

Two of Bárður Oskarsson’s higly popular illustrated children’s book have now been published in Poland.

The Polish translations of Dog, Cat and Mouse and The Tree are published by NoBell Publishers and translated by Kinga Eysturland.

Oskarsson’s illustrations are unique, they resemble cartoon illustrations and clearly convey moods and atmospheres in a tiny wink or a minute movement. Dog, cat and mouse is his first book and The Tree from 2017 won him the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize in 2018. Oskarssons books have been translated into about 20 languages, and now Polish is added to the list! BFL is the Faroese publisher of Bárður Oskarsson’s eight books and No Bell Publishers are planning to publish all eight.

The story behind this is that Izabella Gorczyca and Lukasz Wrobel from NoBell travelled to the Faroe Islands in 2018 and fell in love with the islands and have revisited a few times since. When they participated at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 they payed the Faroese stand a visit and became fascinated by Oskarsson's books. Soon after on another visit to the Faroe Islands they signed the contract with BFL and have now published the first two books by Bárður Oskarsson.

New anthology

New anthology

New in USA

New in USA